September 7, 2020

How to Care For Our Elderly Parents During the Covid-19 Pandemic

It is out in the news. COVID-19 trends reveal that older people are more vulnerable to the disease than other age groups. In Canada, statistics say that cases of COVID-19  deaths in the country are among seniors. A survey in 2016 reported that 93.2 % of elderly Canadians are living in private households while the rest are staying in elderly homes. That means the majority […]

September 4, 2020

10 Tips to Protect Yourself From Covid-19 This Fall

Are you ready for this year’s fall? 2020 has been an overwhelming year so far, thanks to the COVID-19 outbreak that swept across the globe. The barrage of information in all media platforms, various changes in people’s social behavior, and the constant feeling of protecting yourself and your family from an unseen enemy can stress you out. But in these uncertain times, it is crucial […]

August 31, 2020

Healthy Drinks You Need to Try in 2020

If there is anything that the year 2020 taught us, it is to prioritize our health most of all. The appearance of novel viruses makes the fight even more difficult. That is why each of us has to do our part in boosting our immunity from the food that we eat to the beverages that we drink. Have you ever tried watching what you are […]

May 17, 2021

7 Things You Need To Know About Herd Immunity

As the world confronts the Covid-19 pandemic, it is highly likely that you already heard a lot of discussion about herd immunity and its promise of getting our lives back to some appearance of normality. You might also hear that achieving herd immunity “is disastrous” that causes insuperable deaths. But what is the real deal? The answer is both, despite sounding like it does not […]

May 3, 2021

5 Things You Need to Know About Antibiotics

Since the discovery of penicillin in 1928, antibiotics have saved countless lives all over the world. They are also considered the most commonly prescribed drugs. Because of that, many have taken them for granted and overused them. Antibiotics are intended to treat bacterial infections, but inappropriately using them can lead to drug-resistant bacteria, called superbugs, which are now considered a critical problem that calls for […]

January 2, 2021

A Natural Strategy to Avoid the Flu

The flu season is upon us. The weather is cooler. Some areas of the country are severely cold. Most people by now have winterized their cars to prepare them for the harsh conditions. Now it is time to winterize your immune system. Your immune system also sees harsher conditions during this time of year. We spend more time indoors at this time of year. We […]

December 14, 2020

Is Meat Bad for Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Meat and Rheumatoid Arthritis I am a previous sufferer of Rheumatoid Arthritis so I know how horrible the disease can be and how difficult life becomes during those terrible years. I explain in my natural cure for rheumatoid arthritis book how to go about eliminating the underlying cause of the disease by taking out of your diet the foods that are most offensive to the […]

December 11, 2020

What to Expect When Going Through Menopause

Menopause, also known as the “change of life,” presents itself differently in each woman. While your sister may experience hot flashes and sleep problems, for example, you may be feeling a new sense of freedom and energy, and your good friend may be hardly aware of her own change. Menopause is a normal, natural part of life and aging. Technically, it is the time of […]

December 1, 2020

The COVID-19 Pandemic: Themes for Research

Pandemics in human history always often result in untold and sometimes unparalleled problems that would need great thinkers to offer solutions. But with the new normal an online doctor Toronto suggests that any consultation with patients should be done online. Researchers are positive opportunists who do not relent in their efforts in continually investigating the ‘what’, ‘when’, ‘who’, and ‘how’ of every situation just to […]

October 17, 2020

Understanding Jock Itch – Causes and Symptoms

In your life, you can encounter issues about your skin – one of them can be tinea cruris or what is commonly called jock itch. Jock itch is a type of fungal infection. The fungi, which is also the same one that causes ringworm, thrives in moist and warm areas in your body. Jock itch, in particular, live in the skin in your groin area. […]

September 22, 2020

10 Anti-Inflammatory Foods For Arthritis

One of the worst things that can happen to you is waking up early in the morning with swelling and painful joints. Arthritis is a common disease and people of all ages, gender, and race can experience this. It is characterized by joint inflammation and includes symptoms like swelling, stiffness of the affected area, and pain. Some cases can be mild, but others are severe […]

September 16, 2020

5 Benefits of Biking That You Should Not Ignore

In Guelph, Canadians celebrated the seventh Love Your Bike Community Festival. This is an annual festival, participated by young and old enthusiasts alike, highlights Guelph’s favorite form of transportation – cycling! In 2014, 41% of the Canadian population reported that they had cycled in the last 12 months. Even if this is a significant number, the percentage of the cycling population actually decreased as compared […]

September 13, 2020

7 Tips How To Boost Your Confidence Today

How you view yourself and the things that you believe you can do greatly affect how you live your life. Having self-esteem means feeling a sense of contentment with who you are and your capabilities. Even if you do doubt yourself sometimes, if you have a healthy self-regard, you will find ways to encourage yourself and overcome any obstacle at hand. The case is different […]